Keep your cameras + lenses performing at peak condition! The service center can help.

At the Fort Worth Camera Service Center, we professionally clean cameras, lenses and camera sensors. We also perform lens fine-tuning adjustments (lens calibrations). Fort Worth Camera offers repair solutions for most makes + models of cameras, lenses + lighting equipment. Call us for details at 817-335-3456.


Make sure you camera is operating as intended and prevent spotting and smudging in photo files. Dust and  oily fingerprints can cause big problems in digital cameras. Our service center can help you detect those issues and advise you on the best way to keep getting the very best results with your valuable digital equipment. Our staff has long experience with many brands and types of cameras, so you know you can count on us to guide you. Is your camera properly protected in harsh environments? Let’s discuss that too. Simple things like manual dust blowers can be very useful as a first line of defense. Be sure you use the proper tools and techniques to preserve your cameras and lenses. Use care to not use household grade materials to clean your equipment – substantial damage is possible with the wrong materials and methods of cleaning.