Passport Photo

Passport need updating? Don’t forget the photo! Walk-in’s are always welcome!

The world is yours to explore with a passport in hand. Have your picture taken in our studio by our professional staff. We promise to take as many photos as needed to pass U.S. Department of State regulation at no additional charge. A few things to keep in mind when traveling:

If your travel plans include cross-border travel from the United States, your passport or passport card need to be up-to-date. Some countries require that travelers hold valid passports for a certain period of time before entry. All travelers and citizens of the U.S., regardless of age, are required to present a valid passport or passport card when entering or leaving the country at any airport or border crossing.

Passport photos can also be used for the convenient and less expensive U.S. passport card. The passport card is valid when traveling between the U.S and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean or Bermuda at land-border crossing or ports-of-entry at sea.







Because of environmental factors, VHS tapes are literally deteriorating and degrading as we speak. Not to mention the fact that VCRs are virtually non-existent for viewing them. If you wait too long to digitize home movies, there might be nothing there to capture or view.


Trust us – your kids and grandkids WILL want to watch these… if not today, someday.


As the family historian, it’s your duty to preserve the family legacy (a.k.a. memorabilia). Once you have a home movie digitized, it becomes a file that is easily shared with other members of your family.





Keep your memorabilia local – here’s why:

Who wouldn’t be devastated if suddenly their priceless home movies were lost in the mail, misplaced or damaged by a shipping carrier?

Sentimental irreplaceable possessions like photos, videos and home movies should NEVER be shipped away to an unknown location or service provider. It’s just too risky! Things could get lost, damaged or never find their way back to you.

Instead, talk to a professional archiving expert (like us). You need someone who really gets it. Our shop is full of dedicated people who care about your life being documented. We stake our reputation on it. Best of all – money spent locally stays local. Let us handle your photo life so you can get back to real life!


When it’s sentimental or involves your sensitive personal information (like photos), you want to talk to a professional face to face so you can trust their recommendation.









Passion. You need someone who really gets it. Our shop is full of dedicated people who care about your life being documented. We stake our reputation on it.








Quality. We can find, fix, and finish any photo from any device right now! No waiting weeks for products to arrive and no question of quality!









Support. We’re here for you today and after the purchase. Stop in and speak to a human photo pro – anytime. Best of all – money spent locally stays local.


Engage the services of a photo professional like us! We’re experts at finding, creating, and printing your photos locally, so you can hold them close. We make amazing photo products right here, fast. Let us handle your photo life.


Today, we don’t give our digital photos much attention once they’re captured on our devices. Instead, we may think about doing something with them only when our phones run out of memory and prompt us to make more room by exporting the photos to other storage devices. Years of this saving go by, and then we find ourselves in the unforgiving sea of unnamed images.


Most people use the default file naming structure for our digital photos like IMG_9876 or JPG-2839. Unfortunately, these unidentifiable names leave many of us drowning in a sea of thousands of photos with no way to locate specific memories.






Using metadata and a consistent file renaming pattern increases the “searchability,” of your images. If you want to be able to quickly find your images, it’s important to start renaming your files now. Otherwise, a decade from now when you’re looking for a photo of your daughter’s first day of school to post on her graduation day, you might be wanting to pull your hair out as you try to locate it.

Consistency is key. Professional photo organizers recommend using a consistent system when it comes to renaming files. This will tie your entire collection together, despite the years that may separate certain pictures. Professional organizers also encourage you to find a system and style of renaming photos that will work best for you. Feel free to make variations on the following suggestion, but whatever naming convention you pick, be consistent.











Who, what, when and where naming approach. This naming system — who, what, when and where — has proved to be the most popular with professionals. For this system, you’ll include people, event, date and location in the file’s name. An easy reference to remember this organizational tool is: YYYY-MM-DD-location-event-who-sequence number. For example, a birthday party for your mom, Susan Smith, in San Francisco on May 23 would look like this: 2017-05-23-san-francisco-birthday-party-mom-susan-smith-JPG-2839.

Once you have named individual files, you can put images in folders. Professional photo organizers have found that the simplest way is to organize by year, and you always have the option to further consolidate by decade. You can also create folders for specific people, such as your kids, or events, such as vacations and sports matches.








Where to find missing details. If you are unable to recall the specifics of a photo, refer to the file’s metadata. All you have to do is right-click the photo and then click on the option that says “get info” or “properties” to view the file’s metadata. This will reveal the date the image was created, which is vital for the above photo renaming system. But you’ll also find the file size, the name of the device that took the image and sometimes even the location.

Why do this now? The work may seem tedious at first, but consider the even more daunting task of trying to find specific image years from now if your photos aren’t organized. This is why photo naming matters! Start renaming your photos, and in the future, your family members will also be able to easily locate photos to share with their loved ones.

Is the idea of organizing your life in photos too daunting? Or maybe you just inherited a storage unit full of your great grandfather’s photo collection? We get it – these treasures can be a real bear to manage. Ask about our professional photo organizing services and we’d be happy to take this project off your hands.


Your story is meant to be shared – and now is the perfect time to do it! Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect those photos of your grandparents, your high school prom and that family vacation to the Grand Canyon.




Mobile technology makes digitizing keepsakes like old printed photos easy! But before you go any further – this tutorial is designed for people with just a handful of prints to digitize. Do NOT use this method if you have a closet full of prints! Instead, bring those into our shop and our archiving team would be happy to assist!


When you’re finished, you’ll have:


  1. Shareable Digital Files (for texting or email)
  2. Back-Up Copy (should anything ever happen to the original print)
  3. Print Ready (if fresh print copies are needed)


Personalized décor for your home + office!
From photographs and snapshots to graphics and logos – there are literally hundreds of creative ways to decorate your walls today. The best part is that you’re never limited to a cookie-cutter solution.
Not everyone is a visionary in this arena – and that’s where we come in! Our in-house design experts will bring your vision to life by helping you select the right materials, the right sizes and the right overall look for your space.

GRAD 2021: Celebrate your Senior!

Graduation is 2021 here! (Well, sort of!)
Even though ceremonies and gatherings may still be limited – there’s no reason to dial back the celebration! Show your support and pride with personalized keepsakes, announcements and décor! Put those wonderful senior portraits on display with a variety of creative products and prints. Here are a few Grad Party Decor Tips that will make your event stand out!

Flashback to when your grad was a baby, starting school and growing up before your eyes. Using photo prints, digital files and video clips, we can produce a show-stopping video montage that guests will love! Plus, this makes a great keepsake when it comes time to pass down her memorabilia.

Create a DIY display table, aka “shrine” to your graduate with certificates, the diploma, photographs, photo books, framed prints and other special keepsakes. Create depth and varying heights for visual interest. Use easels and risers to avoid simply setting everything flat on the table.

Social Selfie Frames are a great way to capture fun snapshots of your guests. Customize your frame with the grad’s name and year or in a design theme of your choice! We promise this will be a hit!

Print images from your grad’s Instagram in 4×4″ squares for easy clipping to branches. Place them in a beautiful vase and use colorful clothespins as a design accent!


If you have an abundance of photos and keepsakes, use open areas of your home or party venue to display things like yearbooks, posters and awards.
Let the grad choose the color scheme if you want to decorate in something other than traditional school colors. This DIY garland is something the grad can make with ease and it adds color and style to your event!


Organizing a closet full of pictures doesn’t have to be a challenge. First, think about the best way to categorize or sort your prints – by subject, event or date – whatever method works best for you. It also helps to imagine how you would search for specific images in the future once the prints are digitized.

The video above shows you an easy way to prepare photos and memorabilia to be digitized and archived.



Professional archiving is our jam!

Is the idea of organizing your life in photos too daunting? Or maybe you just inherited a storage unit full of your great grandfather’s photo collection? We get it – these treasures can be a real bear to manage. Ask about our professional photo organizing services and we’d be happy to take this project off your hands.

Your story is meant to be shared – and now is the perfect time to do it! Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect those photos of your grandparents, your high school prom and that family vacation to the Grand Canyon.

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4 Easy Tips To Get Photos Off Your Phone and Into Your Life

Our mobile phones have sadly become the final resting place for many of our family memories. Pictures of first days of school, fall adventures, family gatherings at home and other priceless moments in your family history never make it out of our mobile photo albums. This is understandable because these days we are no longer taking the allotted 36 snaps on our film cameras. Now we have the digital memory to take thousands of photos. If you take, say, 10 photos a day every day for a year, that adds up to nearly 4,000 photos left to stagnate on your digital device.

But they don’t need to be lost and unseen. In fact, organizing and clearing your phone of clutter is similar to cleaning out a disorganized closet at home. When you’re cleaning, you will wonder what made you keep certain photos for so long, much like you might wonder why you kept a sweater from high school. You will also discover some treasures, just like you will no doubt discover treasures in your closets, such as an old guitar or your grandmother’s favorite earrings. No time is better than the present to sort out the mess on your phone.


Let Go of the Photo Clutter

We truly don’t need thousands of photos. If you scroll back in your camera roll, there may very well be duplicate photos, screenshots of recipes you never used or poor-quality photos. Delete these! You want your photos to tell a story about a memory you have and keeping photos that you will never use again only adds to the clutter. And clutter is the last thing you need when it comes to photo organization.

Beginning this process may be intimidating. It’s much like opening the closet you’ve been afraid to open for years, for fear that a ton of junk will tumble out. But you’ve got to let go of the junk to get to the memories that matter most.



Find Time to Delete

Spend time deleting photos while in line at the grocery store or set aside time once a week to delete photos. Just like the minimalist mantra, if something doesn’t bring joy, get rid of it.



Organize What’s Left

It takes time and computer know-how to begin the organization of your digital files, and this should also be an enjoyable process because you get to reminisce on past moments. Once you’ve sifted through which photos to keep and which photos to toss, you can begin placing the photos in folders or albums, either separated by year or by an event. This is exactly the process you might use when you are organizing your messy closet. Put winter items in one box, summer in another, and so forth.

Display Your Phone’s Photos 

Next, you’ll want to get your photos off your phone and put them on display for all to see. You can add photos to photobooks, framed wall galleries and novelty items like pillowcases and coffee mugs.



Bio: Cathi Nelson, author of Photo Organizing Made Easy; Going from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed, is the founder of APPO (Association of Personal Photo Organizers), a membership organization dedicated to helping thousands of entrepreneurs from around the globe build successful photo preservation and organizing businesses.